I write about the future of Business, Psychology, and the Creator Economy. My goal is to educate, motivate, and create educational content for my readers. If this interests you, Subscribe to my newsletter and get new articles directly to your inbox!
2020 has been one of the most unpredictable years of my life. After losing my job in May my attention has turned to self-improvement and growth in my personal and professional life. I had time to launch and work on my freelancing business - Rose City Marketing -, write articles (like this one!), read books, listen to podcasts, workout daily (okay, like 4-5 times a week…), and improve my mental health. Sure, I’m caught up with the latest Netflix shows and spent too much time on Tik Tok. But that’s okay, as long as it’s in moderation. This year has been way too hard for linear growth; instead, it looks like a roller coaster at six flags. Life is hard right now. The important thing is to keep moving forward and improving. Don’t give up. I’ll continue pushing and making myself better no matter what. I’m proud of that. Five months after my job loss & there’s no doubt I’m a stronger and more confident version of myself.
Yet, despite my blind-optimism in the midst of chaos, I woke up to yet another rejection email, which marks the second one in two weeks. I do my best to stay positive and keep my head held high, but this morning was hard. I was deep into the interview stage and felt optimistic about getting at least one of these great job offers. Nonetheless, I failed once again. I was sad. I felt rejected and a bit hopeless. Why don’t these companies see what I see in myself?
Right then I decided to go on Twitter. Good thing I did; the very first tweet on my timeline was from Russell Wilson, who said that “Adversity is temporary. The Best is ahead” after a tough loss to the Cardinals on Sunday Night Football. This is exactly what I needed. His attitude is focused on what’s next, not what’s behind him. He’s fully focused on the next matchup. He’s busy analyzing his mistakes and getting better so he can go out and get his team the win next week. I’m going to do the same.
So, I just want to say, to everyone struggling right now:
You’re not alone. Everyone has unique challenges that are difficult to overcome right now. Don’t give up; rather, take a deep breath and hold your head high. This pandemic won’t last forever; things will get better. Keep pushing forward and working hard. It will pay off.